Our Mission
Merrigold seeks to provide businesses, large and small, with FP&A services to optimize decision-making. We achieve this by providing top-tier financial planning services & resources. We employ the latest industry and professional standards, while also providing our clients with custom, in-house techniques and tools that are industry-leading.
"Planning is not just seeing the steps ahead, it's also deciding where they lead."
Jacob Moody, Founder & Chief Analyst
Merrigold understands the modern world and the solutions needed to keep you and your business a step ahead.
Offering Long-Term Efficiency Solutions
Utilizing the Most Advanced Analytical Technologies
With Cost-Focused, Commercially Deployable Services
We evaluate every project to ensure we reserve our services for only those projects that we are most qualified to handle and that our clients will be best served from our handling. Merrigold's reputation as a first-class service provider of data handling, data analysis, and forecasting, is built on the strength of its value proposition and its humility of service. If you believe we are the partner who can best complete your project, contact us freely to set up a consultation, where we can discuss your project specifics and discuss needs and expectations.
Merrigold offers general consultation and freelance services, and makes no guarantee of performance or quality of service unless otherwise stated. The consumer, and or client, of Merrigold, its represetatives, its products, and its services, retains full responsibility of liability incurred from interacting with Merrigold and its representatives. Merrigold also retains no liability except what is permissible under its Articles of Incorporation. If no permissibility is stated or exists, it is assumed no permissibility of liability assumption exists. If a consumer or client has questions in regards to their need for redress or assumed resolution, outside of what they have received or been offered by regular administrative resolutions as provided by Merrigold and its representatives, Arbitration must be the method of recourse, abiding by the Laws of the State of New York, and Merrigold retaining the right to choose the venue of resolution. Should any questions or concerns arise regarding this general statement of risk disclosure, or specific redress-needs involving Merrigold, contact the legal office, through the Email: Directory@merrigoldfinance.com.